im体育APP has the capability to conduct 涂料耐化学性试验s to evaluate the resistance of coatings to chemical attacks in a variety of service environments. We specialize in a broad spectrum of testing methods including ISO 2812-1,  Atlas cell and Isothermal Immersion (NACE TM0174), Pressurized Atlas cell (modified NACE TM0174) and Autoclave testing (NACE TM0185).  

Coatings are utilized to protect substrates from a variety of and sometimes very hostile chemical exposure environments. Chemical resistance testing of coatings can be used to determine a material’s resistance to chemical attack, 包括, 酸, 碱, 碳氢化合物, alcohols as well as specific production fluids and area-specific crude oils. Temperature and pressure aspects of the environment may also be necessary to consider.

With years of experience in coatings testing and a global reach of laboratories, im体育APP’s team of coating specialists can support you with coating evaluation and select the most appropriate testing for the service environment. 



im体育APP performs 涂料耐化学性试验ing by entirely or partially immersing test specimens into a series of chemicals, similar to ones in which the coating is subjected to in the real-world environments. The test samples are examined for film failures, 变色:改变或变色, 光泽变化, 猛烈的, 软化, 起皱, loss of adhesion or any other deterioration.  

•    ASTM D6943 – Immersion testing of coatings and linings 
•ISO 2812-1 -化学浸泡 
•    NACE TM0174 – Isothermal immersion; standard and pressurized atlas cell testing 
•NACE TM0185 -高压灭菌器测试 


Our coatings chemical resistance laboratories provide testing with numerous chemicals found in typical 石油 and 气体 industry operating environments. We can consider a wide variety of different chemical types and work to ensure they can be handled safely.

Atlas细胞测试- NACE TM0174

im体育APP provides atlas cell testing services to assess the immersion resistance of a coating in accordance with NACE TM0174.  We help you evaluate internal coatings and linings for materials selection, determine chemical resistance and qualify new coating for your specific project needs.  

The Standard Atlas Cell (SAC) tests determine the performance and suitability of internal protective coatings or linings when exposed to the chemically aggressive environment. The test can also assess the coating’s ability to withstand the 温度 difference between the internal and external surfaces of a coated substrate, 造成“冷墙效应”. 

当使用条件涉及压力时, our Pressurized Atlas Cell testing services can measure the coating’s ability to cope with the 温度 difference between the internal and external surface when exposed to pressure, 温度, 以及其他内部环境. 

高压灭菌器测试- NACE TM0185

除了, im体育APP’s coating chemical resistance programs include autoclave testing services in accordance with NACE TM0185. The test involves exposing test specimens to simulated 石油 and 气体 production fluids and 气体es (sweet or sour) at elevated 温度 and pressure.

For more information about our chemical resistance testing services, or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天.


This free white paper includes an extensive case study of the failure analysis of a 12-inch diameter Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coated steel pipe that showed 猛烈的 of the coating and corrosion on the surface.


Paints and Coatings Failures: A Guidebook on Causes and Remedies

失效分析 is a valuable tool when investigating the root causes of asset failure, and developing a corrective action plan to ensure your paints and coatings adhere and remain intact.


标准更新:Norsok M 501版7

One of the most important standards for coatings testing in the oil and 气体 industry has undergone a major revision. This article explains the consequences for manufacturers and testing requirements.



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High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Exposure 测试 Services

We offer extensive services for the qualification and compatibility of polymer materials exposed to production fluids at high pressure and high 温度 (HPHT).



im体育APP’s corrosion inhibitor testing experts select the most suitable corrosion inhibitor to protect your assets and extend their life span within the energy industry.

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im体育APP’s immersion testing services evaluate a coating’s resistance to in-service immersion conditions. This helps determine its suitability for corrosion protection during its service life.


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